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ePrize, Inc.


Phone (877) 837-7493
Fax (248) 543-3777 - Fax
Address 1 ePrize Dr,
Pleasant Ridge, MI 48069 United States


ePrize is a digital engagement agency specializing in mobile, social media, and web campaigns. Last year, more than half of Fortune 500 companies and many world-class agencies relied on ePrize's creative, technology and legal services. Since 1999, ePrize has grown into the largest online promotions platform, providing incentive-based promotional and loyalty programs in 44 countries for clients like Coca-Cola, Microsoft, The Gap, HSN, Miller/Coors, Yahoo!, P&G and AT&T. Headquartered in Detroit, ePrize also has offices in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Seattle.

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